Monday, August 10, 2009

Amazingly absent for two months

If it were January I would have had at least ten posts a week, however, since the sun is shining, the kids are home (just shoot me), and my projects that were out on the dining room table have been put away in a closet, who's going to find time to write, let alone, look for a job....

My husband has become less of a fan of my "working from home" mentality. Actually, it's been working for me quite well. Although I was laid off, I received the opportunity to act as a temporary employee for my old company. I feel very lucky. I get to do my old job, work from home, and have a clean house. Thank God they needed someone. Thank God they reached out to me.

I'm not sure if its all attributed to luck, or timing. Each move I've made since that day I was let go things have happened due to timing, not so much luck. Though I do feel lucky in some strange way. That "lucky day" seems so long ago. What opportunities it has presented. I've opened my eyes to a new world. I'm learning all over again, I take my time driving to places, listen to my husband and children, you can say that I "drink it all up".

Now, I can tell you I've kept busy besides trips to the beach (three in the last 60 days, and you thought that's all I've done all summer), I've actually presented to a group of Angel investors, two Venture Capital companies, and helped a friend start a business. This experience of pulling something together that is someone's passion has been a wonderful retreat. Paid, sshmaid, no money, not right now. I'm chalking it up to all on-hand learning.

Passion. It's incredibly contagious. Amazingly so. I may have been absent from my hunt for the next great job, yet, in some ways, I'm participating in it right now. It pays in so many other ways.

No excuses, I'll get back to the blog. After a trip to the beach...

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