Monday, October 19, 2009

The Safari

I've taken the approach to my job search as more of a Job Hunt. Actually, something more like a Safari. Afterall, it's been through a lot of ups an downs, bad trails, dead end roads, as well as steep mountans to climb. My favorite part about my Job Safari is all the preparation that needs to go into it before you get going.

You can't buy things along the way you may need like bandaids to cure the blisters on the backs of your feet from wearing heels to an interview, or a brush to brush your hair because the walk from the back bay to the interview sent you into the windy street, and now you look something more like the character Edward Scissorhands.

No, I need to be prepared.
I have no map.
I have no compass.
I have no guide
Sometimes, no gas. (We'll talk about that one at a later time, when I get over it.)

I begin my search on my "preparation" for my Job Safari, and realize the cost of preparedness. Not the time, nor effort, but the amount of money people want from me to give me the "tools" to find my way. Is a Head Hunter a good person to have along my journey, or not? I decide to go it alone.

First, I determine what each day of my "hunt" will look like, how much time will be dedicated to hunting? Is there a better location than most to hunt? When I find a site to hunt, how do I know it's the right place as opposed to another site? I spend nearly half my Monday contemplating the right way to find a site.

Uncovering which site to focus, I begin to lose perspective on what my inevitable prize is supposed to be. Infused with literature on "how to hunt in the right frame of mind", or "You're hunting the wrong way, do it our way", is slowly dragging me down the wrong path. The path of carrying too much of a load. But, should they be the necessary tools to keep me on the Safari and on the right trail?

Money. It all costs money to go on this Hunt, this Safari that I'm planning to embark upon. I haven't even begun, and I've spent $168.68 on tools. Couldn't I just barter some of my bandaids, or hair brush?

Is this truly a hunt, or a Safari? What is the difference between the two? As described by a Safari can be any long and adventurous journey. While a Hunt can be a pursuit. It comes down to my approach in all this. Do I want a long and adventurous journey? Or am I simply a "pursuer"?

I choose the journey. Although, I'll need to barter along the way, as I have very few dollars left to spend along my journey, I have plenty of tools to get me there...or do I?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Phone Call

Yesterday, as I sat diligently at my computer, checking emails and such (surfing was more like it), my cell phone rang from a number I didn't recognize. Could it be a recruiter? Did someone get my resume and want to schedule an interview? Or, was it a teacher, from the middle school, notifying me of my son's disruptive behavior in English class?

I've come to realize two things in my life. One, I really am a good mother. Two, some days I could just strangle my children.

Now to back up, this teacher was known as the "new hot English Teacher" before my son even started school this year. Sure, he's a teenager, in 8th grade, avoiding growing up at all costs, but still from the male persuasion. He was naturally excited to have this woman as his English teacher. Hey, I thought it would at least get my husband to Open House night.

The first day of school came and went. No comments on the new teacher. No insider view into a teenage boys angst. Even my husband couldn't get it out of him. Days passed. We're now closing in on day 10, and now I get a phone call from the teacher? Not what I expected.

This all reminded me of a time, not so long ago. It was my son's third grade experience. This was not a memorable one, unless you qualify negativity and "class clown" label as a memory. I admit, I have always supported the teacher. She knows this age better than anyone. It's like time doesn't move forward on them, because they are in a constant state of one age. How do they do it? Ohh, Third Grade. She didn't like him, and he didn't like her. He was questioning authority at a young age, and the perception was a negative one.

I tried to equate the current situation to his third grade experience. But this teacher was something he looked forward to. What went wrong? Hormones. Here they come. How best to get a girl's attention than to piss her off. He's brilliant. He was no longer questioning authority, rather he was taking authority. I'm not defending him, I'm not even making excuses for him. There is no reason to be disrespectful. But this had teenage lust written all over it.

That phone call was painful. At one moment I just wanted to laugh, the remaining time, I wanted to throttle his little neck. When he arrived home from school, we took a walk. In the office, I used to call these mobile meetings. They always seemed to loosen people up and not feel so confrontational. We walked and talked. I stated her case. He raised his voice. He defended himself with each accusation. I still think he'll be a lawyer someday.

He and I came to an agreement to move forward. Although, I wanted to have a meeting with him and the teacher, he wanted no part of that. Great negotiator. He refused. We laid out ground rules, which I had better follow through on.

I received a wonderful email today. It was from the English teacher. She was very impressed with my son as he apologized to her today for his behavior. Smooth.

No longer did I have that urge to wrap my hands around his neck. Rather, I put my arms around him and gave him a hug, and told him how proud I am to be his mom.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

The air suddenly has a hint of a chill. Actually, it was only 49 degrees last night. Who needs the air conditioner? Summer is over. Schoolcation is over. Does that mean what I think it means? Yes, forms to fill out, paperwork that comes home from school, payments for after-school care...they're back to school, and the house will be cleaner, however I am prepared for my stacks of paper that comes home everyday! I bought a new "bin" for each child.

But there, for my very first note from my daughter's teacher is that the school has gone "paperless". No more notes home from school? How will I know what is going on a month after it already happened? Who in their right mind made the decision to cut me off from communication with the school? No stacks of colorful paper on my kitchen counter? My recycle guy is going to be disappointed. Or will he? Was this a conspiracy on the part of the recycle guy? His kids must go to the school. He must get all the papers, and just crave the disposal of them into the recycle bin. Must not be him.

Or the PTO president, she led the conspiracy. Yes, she's one of those blackberry-carrying moms who's main reason for living is sending chain e-mails. Until she was voted into the Presidency. Now she can send e-mail after e-mail with updated information. She likely has a Fan page for the PTO, and a Twitter account. No luck, I searched. Plus, she's a really nice mom, met her yesterday when she gave me a free cup of coffee on the playground. Sponsored by the PTO. They used Paper cups...if she were the leader in all this, she would have asked people to bring their own mugs.

Maybe it's the kids. They figure this way they can conspire to all get cell phones, so all information can be sent via text. Only a fifth grader would come up with that idea. Not a kindergartner. My daughter doesn't even know how to spell, let alone text? Or does she? IDK.

I suppose I will need to keep hunting out the source of this. Who knows, maybe the librarian will have the kids all get a Kindle. Then I won't get monthly notes from the library on overdue books, or will they come by e-mail, text or posted on some Fan site?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Barbie's Resume

Watching TV with my 6 year old can be a real trip. First, she's obsessed with infomercials. She actually pauses them on the DVR so she can show me the product. Then she will look me in the eye and say, "See mom, see what it can do? We should get it!" I'm not quite convinced we need the closet keeper, or the sham-wow, or the carpet cleaner for three easy payments of just $49.95...we don't even have carpeting in the house!

Then, there are the kid toy ads, one after the other, after the other, again and again, feels like every 60 seconds someone is pushing the latest toy gadget. Introduction Barbie. She hasn't aged a bit in 50 years. If anything, she looks better. Botox I suspect. How can a girl, so plastic, so perfect, go from being married to Ken, to now being a "Baby Doctor"? When I was a kid all Barbies focus was on partying with Kelly, Marrissa and JJ in her Town House with a sweet pool and a pink corvette. As the Barbie website says "From a fairy to fasionista, princess to a President, Barbie has inspired several generations of girls to dream, discover and explore a world without limits - all without ever leaving home."

Barbie doesn't need to leave home, or girls don't need to leave home? I don't think she's getting out much because she's busy blogging, has her own virtual world, and is starring in cartoon movies. Who is this woman, and isn't anyone concerned about all of the movement around on her resume from one job to the next?

Maybe Barbie's next job is a spokesperson to push the Contour Twist Pillow, or Heel Rescue Cream for the As Seen on TV products. I hear they have an opening. That way she can continue to inspire without leaving home, and your kids can keep watching TV.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Amazingly absent for two months

If it were January I would have had at least ten posts a week, however, since the sun is shining, the kids are home (just shoot me), and my projects that were out on the dining room table have been put away in a closet, who's going to find time to write, let alone, look for a job....

My husband has become less of a fan of my "working from home" mentality. Actually, it's been working for me quite well. Although I was laid off, I received the opportunity to act as a temporary employee for my old company. I feel very lucky. I get to do my old job, work from home, and have a clean house. Thank God they needed someone. Thank God they reached out to me.

I'm not sure if its all attributed to luck, or timing. Each move I've made since that day I was let go things have happened due to timing, not so much luck. Though I do feel lucky in some strange way. That "lucky day" seems so long ago. What opportunities it has presented. I've opened my eyes to a new world. I'm learning all over again, I take my time driving to places, listen to my husband and children, you can say that I "drink it all up".

Now, I can tell you I've kept busy besides trips to the beach (three in the last 60 days, and you thought that's all I've done all summer), I've actually presented to a group of Angel investors, two Venture Capital companies, and helped a friend start a business. This experience of pulling something together that is someone's passion has been a wonderful retreat. Paid, sshmaid, no money, not right now. I'm chalking it up to all on-hand learning.

Passion. It's incredibly contagious. Amazingly so. I may have been absent from my hunt for the next great job, yet, in some ways, I'm participating in it right now. It pays in so many other ways.

No excuses, I'll get back to the blog. After a trip to the beach...