Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

The air suddenly has a hint of a chill. Actually, it was only 49 degrees last night. Who needs the air conditioner? Summer is over. Schoolcation is over. Does that mean what I think it means? Yes, forms to fill out, paperwork that comes home from school, payments for after-school care...they're back to school, and the house will be cleaner, however I am prepared for my stacks of paper that comes home everyday! I bought a new "bin" for each child.

But there, for my very first note from my daughter's teacher is that the school has gone "paperless". No more notes home from school? How will I know what is going on a month after it already happened? Who in their right mind made the decision to cut me off from communication with the school? No stacks of colorful paper on my kitchen counter? My recycle guy is going to be disappointed. Or will he? Was this a conspiracy on the part of the recycle guy? His kids must go to the school. He must get all the papers, and just crave the disposal of them into the recycle bin. Must not be him.

Or the PTO president, she led the conspiracy. Yes, she's one of those blackberry-carrying moms who's main reason for living is sending chain e-mails. Until she was voted into the Presidency. Now she can send e-mail after e-mail with updated information. She likely has a Fan page for the PTO, and a Twitter account. No luck, I searched. Plus, she's a really nice mom, met her yesterday when she gave me a free cup of coffee on the playground. Sponsored by the PTO. They used Paper cups...if she were the leader in all this, she would have asked people to bring their own mugs.

Maybe it's the kids. They figure this way they can conspire to all get cell phones, so all information can be sent via text. Only a fifth grader would come up with that idea. Not a kindergartner. My daughter doesn't even know how to spell, let alone text? Or does she? IDK.

I suppose I will need to keep hunting out the source of this. Who knows, maybe the librarian will have the kids all get a Kindle. Then I won't get monthly notes from the library on overdue books, or will they come by e-mail, text or posted on some Fan site?

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